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Showing posts from November, 2018

Revision is Going Swimmingly

I'm about a third of the way through my revision.  I believe most people do their revisions the opposite of how I am doing mine.  My rough draft is very bare bones.  The characters change how they act, how they talk and how they interact with others in order to progress the story.  On my revision, I go through and add character development, background information, etc.  I think most writers write as much as they can and edit stuff out.  I use the first draft as a basic frame and add to it.  My first draft was around 40,000 words and it will end up around 60,000.  It's just easier for me to do it that way. I'm really happy with how this book is going.  I feel like I have taken some of my criticism and adjusted this story to compliment some of the issues that I had and that were confirmed by others.  There is a lot more action-- a lot more.  I didn't have to do as much world building, which allowed me to focus on the story itself. My plan is to have the final revis

Draft is Finished

The draft for Days Since...  Thomas: Day 758 is finished.  I've begun revising the chapters.  I'm really hoping to have two revisions finished by the end of the year.  I'm anticipating a January release.  We shall see.