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Showing posts from February, 2020

Release Day for Jenny is Tomorrow!

Very excited for the release of Days Since... Jenny: Day 986 tomorrow. I feel like I have a pretty good release strategy in line. I'm hoping this is the book that helps punch my books through the wall. We will see. Now, that book 3 is finished, I am getting to work on mapping out book 4. So far, so good. I'm liking where this is going. It brings the three main characters POVs into one book. The chapters will bounce between characters as the plot unfolds.

Crunch Time is Upon Us!

Wrapping up the final draft for Days Since... Jenny: Day 986. This book turned out much better than I anticipated. I can't wait to get it out there for everyone to read. I'm still wavering on what to do next. I have the idea for the fourth book in this series, but I've mapped out the first book in another series. I'll wait to see how Jenny does.