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Showing posts from April, 2018

Over 7000 words

This week wasn't as productive as I had hoped.  I did crest 7000 words, which is about all I could have asked for given how busy work was this week.  I'm happy with where the story is going and the pace its moving to get there.  Of course, this is a pretty bare draft and will easily be much more once I got back through it a few times.  I'm very excited to get there. Brendon's making progress on his book--more than half way through I suspect.  I've read what he has a few times and it's very good.  (Don't tell him that his head's already big enough!)  I hoping that his will be out in the next few months or so, and mine should follow shortly after that. If you've read Days Since... Xavier: Day 853, please leave a review.  I'm hoping to get more reviews before we start a real advertising campaign.  We've sold several copies and we're just waiting for people to finish it and post their thoughts. Thanks!
Thanks to everyone who participated in the book giveaway! Once you're finished with your prize please leave a review. I'm working to get at least 250 words a day into my newest book.  I'm currently about 6000 words into a bare bones draft of Days Since...  Thomas:  Day 704.  This one will follow a Second Alliance Guard that is working to become a Soldier.  His final step is a mission to take down a member of a northern faction that is conducting business in the area.  I'm hoping to have it finished in the next few months or so.

Booksellers on Fountain Square

Just dropped off a copy of my book to Booksellers on Fountain Square (Facebook:  @booksellersonfountainsquare)  in downtown Cincinnati.  They had my last book To be a Fly on their shelf, so here's hoping they accept this one too.  It would be awesome to see another one of my books in the store.

Top 100 on Dystopian New Releases

We made it on the top 100 of Dystopian New Releases on  Thank you so much for the support.  This is quite awesome.  I can't believe we've been able to sneak on to both lists within the first week or so.  Please share this book with your friends and family.  Let's try and stay on the board!!!!

Welcome to the Blog!

I'd like to welcome everyone who has made their way to the page.  It has been a busy week with the release of my new novel.  Days Since... Xavier: Day 853.  We cracked the top 100 post-apocalyptic new releases for a moment, which was very exciting for me.  I would like to stay on the list and gradually move over to the best sellers, but we will see... Thank you so much to everyone who has purchased a book so far.  Please, please, please leave a review.  This is the only way I can progress as a writer.  I enjoy hearing feedback.  The beta readers that went through Days Since... did a great job and pointed out several things that were worth noting.  Please let me know what you think. Currently, I'm working on another story that exists in the world of Days Since..., but with a few different characters.  Towards the end you will see the overlap between this story and the one that was published earlier this week. Also, Brendon Rock ...