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Welcome to the Blog!

I'd like to welcome everyone who has made their way to the page.  It has been a busy week with the release of my new novel.  Days Since... Xavier: Day 853.  We cracked the top 100 post-apocalyptic new releases for a moment, which was very exciting for me.  I would like to stay on the list and gradually move over to the best sellers, but we will see...

Thank you so much to everyone who has purchased a book so far.  Please, please, please leave a review.  This is the only way I can progress as a writer.  I enjoy hearing feedback.  The beta readers that went through Days Since... did a great job and pointed out several things that were worth noting.  Please let me know what you think.

Currently, I'm working on another story that exists in the world of Days Since..., but with a few different characters.  Towards the end you will see the overlap between this story and the one that was published earlier this week.

Also, Brendon Rock is working on his Days Since... novel that exists in the same world, but occurs much earlier in the timeline.  We're hoping that he will have it completed in the next month or so.

Lots of good stuff coming down the pipe, so stay tuned!!!


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